Is Your Swimming Pool a Death Trap?

Critical Advice for Keeping Kids Safe at the Pool Nothing beats a splash in a swimming pool on a hot summer day. This kind of cool, wet fun, along with the joy of entertaining family and friends and getting a healthy workout, has skyrocketed the popularity of pools. According to the Association of Pool & […]
Baby-proofing a Baby or Toddler Room

In This Article: Childproofing a Toddler Room Safe Toddler Beds Safe Storage Child-Safe Chairs & Tables A Clean, Safe Closet As you have all the other rooms in the house, baby-proof the nursery by studying it from an infant’s point of view and implement the safety precautions already detailed in this section of HomeTips. Then […]
How to Childproof Your Home: A Complete Guide

This expert article by Don Vandervort, author of Making Your Home Child Safe (Sunset), will teach you how to keep your small kids safe both inside and outside your home. In This Article: Childproofing a Bathroom Baby-proofing a Baby or Toddler Room Childproofing Stairs Child-Friendly Interior Surfaces Electrical Cords, Outlets, and Devices Protecting Your House […]
Childproofing Room by Room

In This Article: Childproofing the Kitchen General Kitchen Safety Childproofing Kitchen Appliances Child-Safe Storage Childproof Locks & Latches Childproofing Other Rooms Expert guide to childproofing room by room, beginning with the kitchen and directing you to childproofing techniques for all rooms. Keeping our children safe is our most important responsibility. In this section of HomeTips, […]