DIY Solutions for Fixing a Furnace Blowing Cold Air

Expert advice on how to troubleshoot a furnace that is blowing cold air through air vents. Includes both gas and electric furnaces. If your furnace is blowing cold air: 1. Check the thermostat 2. Check pilot light and ignition system 3. Inspect the flame sensor 4. Inspect air filters 5. Verify air vents (registers) 6. […]
Winter Care Tips for Your Furnace & Appliances

Step-by-step instructions on how to winterize your furnace and appliances for a safe and efficient winter In This Article: Winter Furnace Care Interior Air Quality Appliance Care Because of holidays, harsh weather and short days, it’s easy to overlook giving your home the TLC it needs during the winter months. The following quick and easy […]
How to Get Your Furnace Ready for Winter

Expert advice on how to prepare your furnace for winter, including how to recognize potential furnace problems and keep your furnace operating smoothly and efficiently. In This Article: Symptoms of Furnace Problems Furnace Maintenance Tips About DIY Furnace Repairs The official start of the fall season means leaves are changing, squirrels are feverishly collecting nuts, […]
20+ Ways to Save Money on Your Heating Bill

In This Article: Adjust Your Thermostat Use the Sun’s Warmth Control Where Warm Air Is Delivered Reduce Heat Loss Maximize Your Heating System Control Humidity Consider Electrical Bills Cut energy usage, reduce your heating costs, and improve home comfort with these immediate DIY steps. Offers great ideas for lowering energy usage and costs. As the […]