Pros & Cons of Metal Roofing

Is metal roofing right for your home? This expert guide reveals the benefits and drawbacks of metal roofing and compares metal roofing to other roofing materials to help you make an informed decision. In This Article: Metal Roof Benefits Metal Roofing Drawbacks & Myths Our Summary Recommendations How Would Metal Roofing Look On Your House? […]
How to Clean and Repair Metal Roofing

Expert advice on how to clean and repair metal roofing, including DIY tips on how to fix rust and patch leaks on metal roofs, and other step-by-step metal roof repairs. In This Article: How to Clean a Metal Roof Repairing Loose Metal Roofing Fasteners How to Repair Metal Roof Rust or Deterioration Repairing Metal Roof […]
Metal Roofing Buying Guide

Unbiased, expert advice on how to buy metal roofing, types of metal roofing including standing-seam metal roofing and metal shingles. Includes advice about brands, colors, metal roofing from Lowe’s and Home Depot, hiring a metal roof contractor, and more. In This Article: Types of Metal Roof Materials Standing-Seam Metal Roofing Metal Roof Shingles and Tiles […]