How to Choose the Right Recirculating Pump for Your Home
Expert advice on how to speed up delivery of hot water to your faucets and showers by buying a hot water recirculating pump. Includes a discussion of types for standard water heaters, pros and cons, costs, installation advice, and more. In This Article: Types of Hot Water Recirculating Pumps Timers for Energy Efficiency Pros and […]
Shower Door Buying Guide

Though a shower curtain may serve as a decorative element in the bathroom and can keep water from splattering onto the floor, a shower door is a far more efficient, easy to use, and permanent solution for containing the water in the shower. It’s also much more likely to prevent water damage from occurring over […]
Thermostatic Shower Valve Buying Guide

In This Article: Pressure-Balance Shower Valves Thermostatic Shower Valves Shower Valve Requirements This unbiased thermostatic shower valve buying guide will show you how to buy the best scald-free or pressure-balance valve for safe and comfortable showers. Here’s the typical scenario: Just as you’re enjoying a nice, warm shower, a blast of icy cold water races […]
How to Replace a Shower Head

Expert advice on how to replace a shower head, with information on water-saving shower head installation. Shower heads eventually wear out or become clogged with lime deposits. When this happens, they generally work poorly and look worse. This is the perfect time to replace a head with a newer, low flow shower head (see Low […]